Living with Host
The room available is comfortable and warm. The house is Cosy with a lovely spacious kitchen and view of a yard. There is one toilet and shower shared with homeowner. The house is located on a friendly street close to city centre. 10 minutes by bus or 30 minutes to walk, less than 2 minutes from 2 large supermarkets and nearby 2 parks.
Included amenities
See what's not included
What the Host is expecting from their Guests
Smokers and vapers are welcome
All pets are welcome
What you can expect from these Digs
The Host states that their property offers a child-friendly environment
The home is a safe space for children to visit.
Health and Safety measures have not been indicated for these digs.
Letting Compliance Letting licences are not required for digs in this area at the moment.
Gas Safety
The Host hasn't yet indicated any gas details for these digs.
See what's not included
These digs have not yet received a completed booking.
Please feel free to review the Host's profile for more information. If you would like to contact the Host, please click the 'Contact Host' button which appears when you select from the available dates.
NOTE: Theatre Digs Booker does not vet accommodation listed on the site. We rely heavily on the information provided by Hosts and the feedback given by Guests.
Please see any Guest reviews or the Host Profile for more information.
These digs aren't accepting any new bookings at the moment.
Existing bookings should still be valid.